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Employment Options & Services

Training and Development of Employable (Pre-Vocational and Vocational) Skills, Career Planning, Job Development & Job Retention Services



Community BASED Pre-vocational Services

Community Based Pre-Vocational is a person centered service that prepares individuals for paid employment or unpaid meaningful activities in the community. It focuses on teaching pre-employment skills that will help the person to become as independent as possible in his/her path to become employed in the future. Individuals must provide their own transportation or be willing to be travel trained.

Pathways to Employment Service

Pathways to Employment is a one to one employment planning support service for one year. During this time, the person is exposed, trained and assessed in his/her career interests to determine the supports the person needs to meet the demands of these jobs. Individuals must provide their own transportation or be willing to be travel trained.

Supportive Employment Services- SEMP

ETP- Employment Training Program

Supportive Employment Services supports the individual to obtain and maintain employment in the community. Individuals who are ready for employment obtain support for job development and job retention. Individuals are supported on an ongoing basis to ensure they meet their employer’s expectations and learn additional skills to advance in employment. Individuals must provide their own transportation or be willing to be travel trained. During this time, Interns are temporary State Employees, are paid at minimum wage and are covered under the Workers’ Compensation and General Liability Insurance through New York State. People are supported by Lifestyles for the Disabled, as approved by OPWDD Regional Office- ETP Supervisor, in Career Discovery, Job Development and Intensive Job Coaching. Individuals that have been exposed to vocational training while in High School, have some work experience are ideal candidates for this service. An ETP application must be completed in collaboration with Lifestyles for the Disabled and must be submitted to and approved by the OPWDD Regional ETP Supervisor prior to starting services.

Job Coaching & Job Retention

Supportive Employment provides job coaching to individuals that are employed in the community. Job Coaches are there to assist the individuals in training, conflict resolution with employers and to help them maintain their employment. Also, additional training on skill development outside the job is provided to help the person to advance in their current job or explore other employment interests.

Enrollment Process:

Care Manager will reach out to Lifestyles stating his/her client’s interest and will provide the following documents:

Once documents are received, the Director will meet with the person and his/ her team to start the enrollment process for each of the service requested.

For more information and a campus visit and tour, please contact the Intake Department at 718-983-5351 ext. 258.

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